1. You always wear dark colors - Mosquitoes evolved to hunt for mammals, whose hides and fur are typically dark, says entomologist Grayson Brown, PhD. During field experiments, Brown’s lab workers wear white—a less attractive shade.
2. You spritz on floral fragrance -Mosquitoes also feed on flower nectar for energy to fly and sting. Smell too much like a rose and they’ll mistake you for one.
3. You unwind with beer - A recent French study found that beer drinkers attracted 63% more mosquitoes than water sippers. The alcohol affects breath and body odor; more research is needed on other types of alcohol, like wine and cocktails. ( this one may not apply on most of us)
5. You love a good bird bath - Even small amounts of standing water—like the overflow in a flowerpot or a puddle from the rain—can attract mosquitoes. To cut down on unwelcome backyard visitors, get rid of unnecessary water, change bird bath water at least once a week, cut grass regularly, and keep swimming pools covered when you’re not using them.
6. You’re a night owl - Mosquitoes are most active during evenings, nighttime, and dawn, when they tend to go “hunting” for their next meal. Eat your nighttime snack inside to avoid becoming one yourself.
7. You’re working up a sweat - Scientists at Yale University have found that mosquitoes can pick up a chemical in human sweat. It can also make your repellent wear off faster, so be sure to reapply.
*i bet most of us never know this facts b4.i think its useful for us in avoiding mosquitos during 'this denggi' season.hope it will help me n u 2 b more careful in what we wear,act n clean our house..
Clean the rooms particularly?? Huhuuuuuuu
ado yg teraso ko?ahak!
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